WOD : 11 Rounds For Time!
Buy-In : 75 Double Unders
- 5 Deadlifts (225/155) +(265/185)
- 10 WB Shots (20/14) +(30/20)
Buy-Out : 75 Double Unders
STRENGTH : For Quality!
- Find 5 RM Front Squat
Then perform 4x3 at that weight.
WOD : 11 Rounds For Time!
Buy-In : 75 Double Unders
- 5 Deadlifts (225/155) +(265/185)
- 10 WB Shots (20/14) +(30/20)
Buy-Out : 75 Double Unders
STRENGTH : For Quality!
- Find 5 RM Front Squat
Then perform 4x3 at that weight.