Partner WOD : For Time!
- 100 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24)
- 800m Synchro RUN
- 60 T2B
- 400m Synchro RUN
- 20 Bear Complex (135/95) +(155/105)
1 person working at a time. Partition reps as desired. If you have a vest (20/14), wear it! (:
Partner WOD : For Time!
- 100 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24)
- 800m Synchro RUN
- 60 T2B
- 400m Synchro RUN
- 20 Bear Complex (135/95) +(155/105)
1 person working at a time. Partition reps as desired. If you have a vest (20/14), wear it! (: