

Workout of the Day : [ GRUNT WORK ] For Time!

- 1,000 Box Step Ups

Scaled as needed. Post scores in comments.

If you don’t have a box, find something else to step up on that will hold your weight. We will not be held responsible for any broken furniture. You may use a very sturdy coffee table, couch, a bathtub, or stairs in/around your house. Obviously, if you use stairs, you may want to skip a step or 2 to increase the height of your step-up. Alternate leg every rep, turn up the music, pick a pace you can maintain, and get to work. Simple is effective.

FULLY RECOVERY and do PART 2 WOD anytime today. Should not be immediately after Part 1.

Part 2 : Get a stopwatch, leave your house and enjoy the weather. Run out 7 minutes. At the 7 minute mark, turn around and go the exact same path back to your starting point. On your return, you are not allowed to look at the stopwatch whatsoever. DON’T CHEAT! Pick a pace you think you can manage and maintain the entire workout. Don’t stop moving, don’t slow down, don’t speed up. As soon as you get back to your starting point, stop the stopwatch. Your score is however many seconds you were over/under 7 minutes going back. The lower the score, the better! This will teach you how to manage your breathing, pace, and be in complete control of your workout. GOOD LUCK!

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