STRENGTH - Partner Pull Up Flight Simulator
(10-MIN Time Cap)
Scaled [SDLHP U/B (45/35)]
1 to 10/Max Unbroken to 1
Partner WOD : 5 Rounds For Time!
(20-MIN Time Cap)
- 15 Box Jump Over (24/20)
- 10 Lateral Burpee OTB
- 5 Deadlifts (275/190) +(315/220)
Then 50 Synchronized Jumping Lunges
One person working at a time. Partner 1 must finish all 15 Box Jump Overs before Partner 2 can start. Partner 1 can move on immediately to next movement. Then same with Lateral Burpee OTB. No partitioning reps on first 2 movements. Once partner 2 finishes with Burpees, they can start on deadlifts together. May switch off as desired until each partner completes 5 reps EACH. 1 minute rest from last rep. Stick with same partner going 1st each round once you pick who goes first from the beginning of the workout. (Preferably someone faster in the front and someone stronger in the end.) At the completion of the 5th round, immediately go straight into 50 synchronized jumping lunges, TIME! (: